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Women struggling in Relationships!

Want to feel seen, heard, supported and safe in your relationship?

Love Turnaround Method is a step-by-step guide with 34 mini-training videos and 6 modules to take you out of relationship struggle to thriving in days.


Get crystal clear on what you truly desire 


Transform dysfunctional patterns & codependency

Set loving boundaries that protect your truth

Communicate (and listen) without drama

Surrender what you can’t control

Receive the support and love you so desire

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I know the excruciating pain of feeling your relationship dying right before your very eyes and not knowing what to do about it.

I’ve been there and this is what it feels like.


The second you wake up you feel the heart ache as you look at the man laying next to you and know that he’s actually a million miles away.  Is it over? Is there still hope? Do you want it to get better or do you just wish it would all go away? You get out of bed to start yet another day feeling alone.




You don’t know what to say or do to make it go back to the way it was because everything that comes out of your mouth goes wrong.  Everything he says and does feels bad too.


What happened to the magical love you used to share? Why doesn’t he see you? Why doesn’t he understand you? Why doesn’t he make you feel supported and safe? What happened to the Prince Charming that swept you off your feet and promised to be your King? Where’s that King now?  


Deep down you know it’s possible to be happy in love again


But you really don’t know what to do. There are a few fears that come up. A few hesitations.

And more than likely, you may be feeling one or more of these most common fears:



Nothing is going to change because he’s not willing to go to counseling with me.

If I bring up the things I want to change in our relationship, it will cause a huge fight.

I am completely overwhelmed at even where to begin to address our problems.

If we continue like this I’m going to be so miserable and resentful, and regret all the time I wasted being unhappy.

What if I told you there is a way...

...that you can change the entire dynamic of your relationship on your own without couples counseling

...that you can have respectful, honest and loving conversations together

...that you can either fall back in love with each other with even more passion that you had before -OR- have the courage to leave the relationship respectfully based on your authentic truth

...that you can feel adored, seen, heard, supported and safe in with your partner


Do you think all the happily married women are just lucky? 



Even if they’re soulmates or twin flames, they still have specific beliefs and follow specific rituals to create their “happily ever after.”

Introducing...the complete

Love Turnaround Method

The Complete Love Turnaround Method is an in-depth, specific and reflective love course to guide you from unhappiness and hopelessness to confident, empowered and thriving in love again. 

Copy of TEMPLATE_ The Ultimate Workbook

What's included in the complete

Love Turnaround Method?

34 mini training videos (A total of 190 minutes of mini of transformational content


A 57-page module packet with journal prompts and guided reflection

Copy of TEMPLATE_ The Ultimate Workbook

Don’t know what you actually want in your relationship? (Module 1)


....35 minutes of instructional videos to help you get clear on your authentic desires.


....6 reflective clarity exercises


Don’t know how to get out of the destructive patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you struggling? (Module 2)


....10 prompts of inner work to get you to dive in and release all that is not true for you.



Don't know how to stand up (and speak up) for your truth? (Module 3)


Don’t know how to have a respectful conversation without it blowing up? (Module 4)


Don’t know how to feel loved, supported and validated by your partner? (Module 5)


Don’t know how to feel GOOD in a relationship again? (Module 6)

Don't know how to stand up (and speak up) for your truth? (Module 3)


....5 deep lessons on how to set and maintain loving boundaries that has you growing in truth. 


Don’t know how to have a respectful conversation without it blowing up? (Module 4)


....4 specific steps to iniciating and facilitating an authentic, loving conversation... even if it's one you've been avoiding.



Don’t know how to feel loved, supported and validated by your partner? (Module 5)


....4 lessons of UN-learning what it truly means to be an empowered woman.



Don’t know how to feel GOOD in a relationship again? (Module 6)


....Reflections and insights into how to receive everything you desire like a Queen.

Why fast? 2 reasons.


  1. If you are struggling in your relationship, why wait one more day? You can begin to transform it immediately. The faster you act, the more you heal the damage that has already been done.

  2. This is only $37 for the first 100 people.  After that it goes to the original $497 as listed on the website.

Grab the complete Love Turnaround Method....FAST



Copy of TEMPLATE_ The Ultimate Workbook
  • Gain crystal clarity on your truth and what you actually desire

  • Deeply understand co-dependency and where you fit into it

  • Release past experiences that caused destructive relationship beliefs & behaviors

  • Learn about masculine & feminine energies in relationship

  • Transform your triggers

  • Raise your standards & lower your tolerance.

  • Set & communicate loving boundaries

  • Confidently facilitate difficult conversations

  • Surrender the need to control

  • Transform insecurity & weakness

  • Receive love in all its forms 

And did you see all the bonuses?

Total Value:  $497

>>For Only $37<<

By committing to just $1.20 per day for 30 days, you have access to this entire course that will change the course of your relationship (and as a result, your life!!!!)

Relationship Confidence Audio: Love Yourself Enough to Not Need Him to Fix or Complete You.




*The Intuitive Remedy: Transform Destructive Beliefs to Tap Into Your Authentic Truth Today

The reality is that I could charge hundreds for the Total Love Turnaround Course (and my clients are telling me that this price is way too low!)


But I know that you don’t know me or trust me yet. Or maybe you’re just starting to get into relationship sehf-help and don’t have a lot to invest right now.


This is exactly why I’m making the Total Love Turnaround a total no-brainer, and instead of selling it at the $497, I’m basically giving it away for only $37.

Will this work for my relationship?

The Total Love Turnaround Method works for women who are:



*In a mediocre relationship that needs some attention

*Eager to get out of a relationship but don’t know how

*Going through a divorce

*Feel unseen, unheard and misunderstood in your relationship

*Struggling to find your voice in your relationship

*Don’t know how to set boundaries

*Don’t feel safe in your relationship

*Don’t feel supported

*Walking on eggshells 

*Single and committed to not attract the same kind of relationship

*Feeling you have to do everything




It is NOT for women who:


*Make excuses for their partner

*Make excuses for themselves

*Are not willing to reflect objectively

*Are too afraid to practice speaking their truth

*Wish things could change but won’t actually apply anything new

*would rather keep settling than own their true power and voice

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Hey, I'm Lynn

When I met my husband, I had been through two previous long-term relationships.  Both of them were co-dependent in different ways.  In one, I felt smothered and broke it off to gain freedom, and in the other, I smothered him.  In both relationships, I lost myself.  


Right away I noticed some old co-dependent, needy, dysfunctional and destructive patterns start forming, and just as quickly, I focused on transforming them. I was obsessed and totally committed.  I was not available to build another beautiful relationship on a rocky, broken foundation that would eventually crumble and fall.


I started analyzing everything that worked, didn’t work, brought us closer and caused fights. I learned to set boundaries, be humble, speak my truth, listen objectively, love without judgement and really receive like a Queen.


I’ve put nearly 3 decades of personal relationship research into these 6 modules, as well as the 5 years of experience relationship coaching my clients.


This is the system I used to turn my relationship around as well as countless women who have worked with me over the years.  They’ve invested thousands to work with me privately and seen their lives completely change before their eyes.  


I’m offering you a simple and very affordable solution to your relationship pains and struggles so you can have the love you desire, the support you crave and the connection you know deep down is meant for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this right for me?


If you’re not happy in your relationship and something is off, this course is for you. If you want to transform your relationship but don’t know how, yes it is for you. If you don’t know if you want to stay together or if it’s time to go your separate ways, throughout the course you’ll gain the clarity on what you desire, and the confidence that you need to move forward.


When do I get access to the training materials?


Instantly upon purchasing!  You’ll be emailed a link that will guide you to Module 1.  From there, you download your packet and start the trainings!


What if the trainings don’t apply to me?


The content is not situation specific and is meant to apply to anyone who is not happy in relationship. It will prompt you to reflect deeply on your own situations, desires, challenges and what you are committed to transforming.  It is designed for any woman who desires to learn how to be connected, adored, supported and in a harmonious, loving relationship with a man.


The language in this course does specify women in heterosexual relationships.  If this does not apply to you, you may either fill in the blanks for yourself or decide that it is not for you.


What if I need more help from a professional?


It’s your lucky day! I specialize in 1:1 relationship coaching and have an upgrade option to a VIP option.  (Click here) 

Is this a monthly membership or a 1-time investment?


This is a one-time investment. Once you purchase it, you’ll have lifetime access.


What if at the end I still don’t know how to turnaround my relationship? What if I’m still stuck? 


Much of the transformation depends on how committed you are and the work you put in.  I understand as a coach however that many times you have a specific question about your relationship.  For this reason, I encourage you to either email me the question directly or upgrade to the VIP package to get the 1:1 coaching that will catapult your clarity and progress.


What if I decide this isn’t for me?


I fully stand behind a 10-day money back guarantee. You’ll know in the first week if this course is applicable to you or not. If it’s not, simply write me stating that it isn’t for you and you’ll receive your money back.


Is this just for married women?


Nope! This is for married, single and anyone in between.  The point isn’t your current relationship status. The point is teaching you how to be the woman who thrives in relationship.  This will either make your partner transform too (because you’re changing), repel your current partner because he no longer vibes with the new you, or attract the right love based on your desires.


I totally understand that this may be the first time you meet me and you don’t even know if you vibe with my teachings, which is why I invest over 500 hours in creating this course for you


 I’ve invested in a lot of courses and coaching programs, and I get that excited, yet nervous feeling you get when you’re deciding to invest.


I know that the last thing you want to do is waste your money on a course when there are literally thousands of hours of free Youtube videos about relationships at your fingertips. That's why I’m offering a 10-Day Money Back Guarantee!


And to be totally honest, the reason I’m selling this course right now at such a low price is that if you ever decide to work deeper on your relationship, you’ll choose to work with me in the future.  For this reason, of course I worked my butt off to impress you with all this amazing content once you have access.


And this is why I’m willing to take all the risk off of you and put it all back on me by offering you the 10-Day money back guarantee on the Total Love Turnaround Method.  Because I fully believe that you will have the relationship turnaround you desire and start living in love by your design. If for whatever reason you don’t believe this is good for you, I’ll refund your purchase.


Total Value:  $497

>>For Only $37<<

By committing to just $1.20 per day for 30 days, you have access to this entire course that will change the course of your relationship (and as a result, your life!!!!)

After doing the Total Love Turnaround Method, you’ll:


   Know exactly what you want in a relationship

   Stand by your truth with authenticity, confidence and love

   Communicate objectively and respectfully

   Receive love, support and intimacy like a Queen.



You can have over 3 hours of training videos, nearly 60 pages of guidance and all my love for $37!!

If you’re ready to finally take back your love life and live it on your terms, feeling seen, heard, safe and supported, then click the button below.

All​​ Rights Reserved  Lynn Hudorovich 2020

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