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Attention Relationship Coaches!



90-Day 1:1 Coaching

With Messaging & Marketing Coach


Lynn Hudorovich



Get your message

Are you tired of being in the shadows not daring to get visible and shine out of fear of what others might think?


Are you done with others being in control of your time, your worth, and are you ready to break free? To follow your dreams? To make an impact on your terms?


Do you know you're meant to be a successful self-love or relationship coach, but are so lost on where to find your first clients?


Do you feel unfulfilled and unhappy, like “There has to be more to life than this?”


Do you crave support staying focused, prioritizing and strategizing your specific next steps to build your new business?


Are overwhelmed by the ocean of social media, not speaking to your ideal clients and feeling like it's all a waste of your precious time? 


I get it.

Because that was me only 3 brief years ago.

As an introverted but highly sensitive teacher, I had huge dreams.


I knew I was meant for so much more than my daily grind and money struggles, but I had a TON of self-worth stories, didn’t trust my strong intuition, and I was a chronic under earner.  All I wanted was to help people feel confidence and happy in their relationships, but I wasn't clear, and I wasn't in my power.


I was scared that it wouldn’t happen for me and that I didn’t have what it takes to be successful.


I sank into deep sadness and feelings of defeat of “What’s WRONG with me.”


I had waves of thinking about giving up my freedom and going back to work because they were right. I didn’t have what it takes.

But...I knew I was meant to shine. 


My driving desires were freedom and impact. Freedom to be me and to live on my terms, and changing people's lives and relationships. I wanted to relax, to travel, to have fun with my husband and daughters and make a big difference doing the deep, emotional and heart-centered work that I loved. 


But...actually I felt extremely inadequate. I was confused and drained. Even though I was “visible” I was so invisible to myself that I only spoke inspirational fluff. I focused on everything and nothing, spoke to nobody in particular and energetically my voice was so apologetic that nearly nobody would pay me for my awesome work.  With each month making $0, I became more and more convinced that I could not be a successful coach.


I almost quit.


There was a huge yearning in my gut, that I now understand to be my inner voice, or my intuition, telling me that if I let it all go, a piece of me would die.  

I knew the answer. I knew my only choice was to get past my blocks, embrace my inner empath and stop making it wrong to feel intensely, and to build my impact and freedom based business on my terms.


The thing is, the structures and strategies weren’t enough. It took 2 years of spinning before I really embraced who I am as an intuitive, empath with huge dreams of filling the world with power and love, and that’s when my coaching business really took off.


Now, my coaching business allows me the freedom to travel the world and create my own schedule, and I get to impact intuitive love, relationship and self-love coaches around the world to create their own successful coaching businesses and lives they know they’re meant for.

But here's the thing.

If you think, that sounds so great, and that’s what I want, but is it really possible for me?


When I finally got into alignment with who I really am, all the marketing and systems fell into place. When I embraced being an empath after thinking it was wrong my whole life, speak my truth and shine as an introverted Queen, everything changed.


So, if you’re feeling like deep down you don’t think you have what it takes, or no matter what you try it just doesn’t work for you, or you’re just ‘too sensitive’ or ‘too introverted’  to stand out as a leader, know that you do have what it takes. You are a light for this world, and only you can touch others in your special way. Your past does not define you. 


If I, a sensitive girl with a learning disability from a small town in Montana can change lives, have a powerful coaching business, travel the world and live the freedom lifestyle I LOVE, you can too.


All it takes is working through the blocks to get clear and implement a proven marketing system to get you your first paying clients as a new relationship or self-love coach.  Once you own all of you again and start living your purpose, you’ll see how much lighter you feel every single day.



You will:

Discover and embrace who you are and get crystal clear on who you’re meant to serve so you begin to attract your dream clients.


Build a powerful coaching business so aligned with you that you start living by your design...not somebody else’s.


Own your authentic voice so everything you create will speak directly to your ideal clients and keep them coming back for more.


Build your step-by-step marketing system using your voice and strengths so you attract your ideal paying clients.


Become a fearless Queen of visibility because you own your worth and know you’re meant to make an impact in the world.


Create your signature coaching package that you LOVE and are so confident because you know you provide real value and transformations.


Learn the art of sales so you comfortably make offers and convert your ideal leads into paying clients that you adore!


Break through your self-doubt, fears and feelings of unworthiness that are still holding you back from creating the business and impact you know you’re meant for.


Relax into knowing that you’re so well taken care of and supported during your transformative journey of mindset in starting (and growing) your coaching business.



What they're saying:

-Yuki Graviet Knapp

Working with Lynn was such an incredibly transformative experience! Even within just our first hour, I came away with a load of INCREDIBLE insights I would have never realized on my own, about what was truly blocking me. I hadn't been able to address the real problem but Lynn helped me narrow it down to the truth of what I was really facing within myself. Since working with her I've gone on to attract more ideal clients, become clearer on my self-love business vision, and develop greater confidence in who I am and my own unique voice. I've healed so much thanks to her, and I'm more excited (and confident) than ever to continue on my journey!

-Liza Desmarais

Lynn has a stellar combination of on-target intuition, and wealth of knowledge. Working with her has given me the opportunity to face my own fears and limiting beliefs, break through them, and see the seriously true power that I have within myself. This has allowed me to gain incredible momentum and energy towards growing my relationship business, and having an overall confidence within myself. This has all happened within only a few sessions, and I cannot wait to continue my work and growth with Lynn!

-Katalin Weight

Before I started working with Lynn, I was floundering. I was starting my own coaching business and felt very weighed down by my relationship and lack of connection with my husband which was holding me back and preventing me from feeling excitement about my new career path. I now have clarity on what I have control over. Lynn is guiding me through a process of discovering my own femininity and sense of myself individually as a woman, once again something I did not have role-modeled for me or fostered in me as a young woman. I have learned so much from Lynn, continue to work with her, and realize that my growth and transformation is a life-long process

-Monique Conner

Coaching with Lynn has been so transformational. My biggest challenge was, could I really show up and be myself in my business. Admittedly My inner challenge held me back in a way that truly frustrated me. Lynn was very good at helping me to get to the root of the issue and resolve it. Lynn has a very loving, and calm demeanor and she makes it very easy to expose what needs to be exposed to help you move forward. I am grateful for having been coached by Lynn, I highly recommend her as a coach.

-Vickie Yin Gould

Lynn has helped me overcome so many struggles from who I am supposed to serve to finding out which limiting beliefs are in the way of my success. She helped me completely break through those things that were stopping me from moving forward and skyrocketing my confidence that I'm enough, I'm good at what I do and I can charge my worth. Working with Lynn has been a Godsend!

Korynn Elliott

While working with Lynn, I got a whole new perspective about how my life was affecting my energy healing business. She held space for me and lovingly guided me through the emotions I was avoiding and that really needed some attention. I went from "life is ok and everything is fine as long as I just stick things out" to a place of "ok and fine aren't the same as GREAT and great is what I want!" I immediately found my way back to the possibilities, excited about making new plans that light me up, and I feel so empowered! When I'm empowered and full of possibility, my business flourishes! If you're a sensitive soul like me, Lynn is best person you could hire as a coach. She gets you. She knows that having a joyful life is what will get you to having a successful business. She will guide you with love and compassion and she will empower you. Thanks so much, Lynn.

YES! I want to sign up for Monetize YOUR MESSAGE!


I will receive:​

  • 24 1-hour sessions to teach structures, sales, release blocks and create clients

  • 1 group mastermind and accountability call at the end of each month

  • Direct & unlimited email/text/audio message access to me so you're always supported

  • All my resources, templates, courses and trainings


Plus, a special bonus gift:

A 3-hour Clarity Intensive with my husband Juan Hudorovich

Select your investment:

Pay in full:


Payment Plan:

$1,500 down, $800/month x 5 months


To talk to me about 1:1 coaching and see if


is a good fit, schedule your Discovery Call

Pillar 1: (Month 1)

Get clear on your desires, your purpose, your WHY and your authentic message.


Pillar 2: (Month 2)

Build your Signature Offer and solid relationships with your Ideal Clients.


Pillar 3: (Month 2 & 3)

Become masterful at sales without being salesy.


Pillar 4: (Month 4 & 5)

Create a stellar Lead Magnet that your ideal clients will devour and funnel that converts.


Pillar 5: (Month 6)

Automate and create a sustainable visibility and marketing plan that leads you to your freedom.


Pillar 6: (Months 1-6)

Do the mindset work to transform into a successful, unapologetic, confident, clear, supported, visible and free #girlboss.


Where do you desire to be one year from now? 

If you say YES to your true purpose, you'll be light years from where you are today.

If you don't, you'll be sitting there, one year older in the exact same position. 

Stuck. Unfulfilled. Confused, feeling misunderstood, and that you KNOW your're meant for more, but not getting any closer.

So, imagine yourself:

  • Clear on who you are, owning your authentic voice

  • With a signature coaching package you're proud of

  • A targeted following that loves you

  • Online systems and structures that speak to your ideal clients

  • Clients that keep coming back for more

  • A sense of freedom from what's been holding you back

  • A life you're proud to be creating by your own design


Sign up for Monetize  YOUR MESSAGE Today!


Select your investment:

Pay in full:


Payment Plan:

$1,500 down, $800/month x 5 months


To talk to me about 1:1 coaching and see if


is a good fit, schedule your Discovery Call

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